Tuesday, July 7, 2009

mskppm fever~

Netball Carnival (MSKPPM) for Kgau district level was held last Saturday (5th July09) and just fyi, it was the first time for me to join mskppm..last year, i missed the carnival since i was just posted in july08 (time tu sa punya geram,dlm hati 'kan bgus kalo awl skit posting')..Nway, I was a player back in high sch, so after for about 8 years i dint even hv the chance to touch a netball 'ball', it was time for me to show the skills i used to hv, now as a teacher..my position, as usual GS :)

There were 5 teams competing:
1) SMKK2
2) SMT
5)ZON PGLN (i was in this team)

here was the result:
1st place- smkk2
2nd - zon pgln
3rd - smkh

ngeeheee... 2nd place was not bad at all...my team-mates told me that last yr they just managed to get the 3rd place.. i was in fact very proud of my team, eventho we are not teaching in the same sch, we were able to play well.. actually i was an 'imported player', i shud b joining the GBA team since my sch is located in that zone..heheheh sowyyyy..mayb next time la ya..

Next tournament is the 'peringkat pedalaman' whc will be held in smk sapulut (17 july) and it will be between 5 districts; kgau, tenom, tbn, nbwn and sook..i am appointed to b the trainer/jurulatih for kgau team, meaning to say, i wont be playing..nasib jg la cuz my peha injured ni masa main last week, susa mo lari..nanti kalah kna kasi salah plak haha...yg penting, dpt ikut p sapulut tgk my team main..yeahh!

*thx to julia for inviting me to join the previous tournament. next yr pgl lg sa ahh..heee..


GeTzzz.... said...

Bestnyerrrr len:) Eeee, jeles u dpt men netbal huhuhu....
-Twau here blambak pemain cigu handalan...teda kaki mau masuk hahahahaha
-but, every evening i'll go play with them....
-Just cant let go bah kan len..its like already embroided in us...this kinda game...
-ada u tingu mlsia versus sri langka ari tu?,..Man! they were damn tall!

Annie said...

siuknya ko sana keningau.. tunggu la sa transfer situ naanti, buli trus satu ging sama2 main netball kan.. haha.. bagus kalau pandai main.. cisss~!

TaQuiLa said...

sioknya..patutla no news..hehee

CLD said...

get: uii get, i was like very teruja ni dpt main balik..time d mktb, kita nda kana pkai ba kan, kin PANAS!! u shud join ba get, jd Center, buli ko tu!!

Annie: hehehe ya anie, meh la pndah kgau, kita men sama2,,sa ajar ko, sinang sija tu!! ^_^

sheila: heheh jahat ni sa, sa tia ikut zon apin2..sa p pagalan.. ~evil laff~